Steward Observatory Novel Astrophysical Transient Alliance
In this work we estimate the explosion and progenitor properties of six Type II supernovae (SNe) at 0.675 <= z <= 3.61 discovered by the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES) transient survey by modeling their light curves. This high-redshift Type II SN sample allows us to compare low-redshift Type II SNe to their high-redshift counterparts. Two Type II SNe are found to have high explosion energies of 3e51 erg, while the other four Type II SNe are estimated to have typical explosion energies found in the local Universe [(0.5-2)e51 erg]. The fraction of Type II SNe with high explosion energies might be higher at high redshifts because of, e.g., lower metallicity, but it is still difficult to draw a firm conclusion because of the small sample size and potential observational biases. We found it difficult to constrain the progenitor masses for Type II SNe in our sample because of the sparse light-curve data. We found two Type II SN light curves can be better reproduced by introducing confined, dense circumstellar matter. Thus, the confined, dense circumstellar matter frequently observed in nearby Type II SNe is likely to exist in Type II SNe at high redshifts as well. Two Type II SNe are estimated to have high host galaxy extinctions, showing the ability of JWST to discover dust-obscured SNe at high redshifts. More high-redshift Type II SNe are required to investigate the differences in the properties of Type II SNe near and far, but here we show the first glimpse into the high-redshift population of Type II SNe.
We conduct a population synthesis study using the binary population synthesis code compas to explore the formation of circumbinary disks (CBDs) following the common envelope evolution (CEE) phase of a giant star and a neutron star (NS) or black hole (BH). We focus on massive binary systems that evolve into double compact object (DCO) binaries after the exposed core of the giant collapses to form a second NS or BH. A CBD around the binary system of the giant's core and the compact object lives for a short time at the termination of the CEE phase and alters the orbital evolution of the binary. We parameterize the conditions for CBD formation in post-CEE binaries and present characteristics of DCO progenitors that are likely or unlikely to form CBDs. We find that CBD formation is most common in BH-BH binaries and NS-NS binaries that are expected to merge within Hubble time. Furthermore, we find that the interaction of the CBD with the core - NS/BH system at the termination of the CEE reduces the expected rate of DCO mergers, regardless of whether these binaries tighten or expand due to this interaction. If the binary system loses angular momentum to the CBD, it may produce a luminous transient due to a merger between the NS/BH and the core of the giant rather than gravitational wave sources. Thus, accounting for post-CEE CBD formation and its interaction with the binary system in population synthesis studies is significant for obtaining reliable predictions of the gravitational wave event rates expected by current detectors.
Supermassive binary black holes are a key target for the future Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, and excellent multi-messenger sources with gravitational waves. However, unique features of their electromagnetic emission that are needed to distinguish them from single supermassive black holes are still being established. Here, we conduct the first magnetohydrodynamic simulation of accretion onto eccentric binary black holes in full general relativity incorporating synchrotron radiation transport through their dual-jet. We show that the total accretion rate, jet Poynting luminosity, and the optically thin synchrotron emission exhibit periodicity on the binary orbital period, demonstrating explicitly, for the first time, that the binary accretion rate periodicity can be reflected in its electromagnetic signatures. Additionally, we demonstrate that during each periodic cycle eccentric binaries spend more time in a low emission state than in a high state. Furthermore, we find that the gravitational wave bursts from eccentric binaries are coincident with the bursts in their jet luminosity and synchrotron emission. We discuss how multimessenger observations of these systems can probe plasma physics in their jet.
We present a comprehensive multi-epoch photometric and spectroscopic study of SN 2024bch, a nearby (19.9 Mpc) Type II supernova (SN) with prominent early high ionization emission lines. Optical spectra from 2.9 days after the estimated explosion reveal narrow lines of H I, He II, C IV, and N IV that disappear by day 6. High cadence photometry from the ground and TESS show that the SN brightened quickly and reached a peak M$_V \sim$ $-$17.8 mag within a week of explosion, and late-time photometry suggests a $^{56}$Ni mass of 0.050 M$_{\odot}$. High-resolution spectra from day 8 and 43 trace the unshocked circumstellar medium (CSM) and indicate a wind velocity of 30--40 km s$^{-1}$, a value consistent with a red supergiant (RSG) progenitor. Comparisons between models and the early spectra suggest a pre-SN mass-loss rate of $\dot{M} \sim 10^{-3}-10^{-2}\ M_\odot\ \mathrm{yr}^{-1}$, which is too high to be explained by quiescent mass loss from RSGs, but is consistent with some recent measurements of similar SNe. Persistent blueshifted H I and [O I] emission lines seen in the optical and NIR spectra could be produced by asymmetries in the SN ejecta, while the multi-component H$\alpha$ may indicate continued interaction with an asymmetric CSM well into the nebular phase. SN 2024bch provides another clue to the complex environments and mass-loss histories around massive stars.
The study of massive binary systems has steadily progressed over the past decades, with increasing focus on their evolution, interactions and mergers, driven by improvements in computational modelling and observational techniques. In particular, when a binary system involves a massive giant and a neutron star (NS) or a black hole (BH) that go through common envelope evolution (CEE), it might results in the merger of the compact object with the core of its giant companion, giving rise to various high energy astrophysical phenomena. We review the different evolutionary channels that lead to compact objects-core mergers, key physical processes with emphasis on the role of accretion physics, feasibility of r-process nucleosynthesis, expected observable electromagnetic, neutrinos and gravitational-waves (GWs) signatures, as well as potential correlation with detected core collapse supernovae (CCSNe), luminous fast blue optical transients (LFBOTs) and low luminosity long gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs). After presenting our current understanding of these mergers, we conclude discussing prospects for future advancements.
We present multi-epoch optical spectropolarimetric and imaging polarimetric observations of the nearby Type II supernova (SN) 2023ixf discovered in M101 at a distance of 6.85 Mpc. The first imaging polarimetric observations were taken +2.33 days (60085.08 MJD) after the explosion, while the last imaging polarimetric data points (+73.19 and +76.19 days) were acquired after the fall from the light curve plateau. At +2.33 days there is strong evidence of circumstellar material (CSM) interaction in the spectra and the light curve. A significant level of polarization $P_r = 0.88\pm 0.06 \% $ seen during this phase indicates that this CSM is aspherical. We find that the polarization evolves with time toward the interstellar polarization level ($0.35\%$) during the photospheric phase, which suggests that the recombination photosphere is spherically symmetric. There is a jump in polarization ($P_r =0.65 \pm 0.08 \% $) at +73.19 days when the light curve falls from the plateau. This is a phase where polarimetric data is sensitive to non-spherical inner ejecta or a decrease in optical depth into the single scattering regime. We also present spectropolarimetric data that reveal line (de)polarization during most of the observed epochs. In addition, at +14.50 days we see an "inverse P Cygn" profile in the H and He line polarization, which clearly indicates the presence of asymmetrically distributed material overlying the photosphere. The overall temporal evolution of polarization is typical for Type II SNe, but the high level of polarization during the rising phase has only been observed in SN 2023ixf.
We present and analyze the extensive optical broadband photometry of the Type II SN 2023ixf up to one year after explosion. We find that, when compared to two pre-existing model grids, the pseudo-bolometric light curve is consistent with drastically different combinations of progenitor and explosion properties. This may be an effect of known degeneracies in Type IIP light-curve models. We independently compute a large grid of ${\tt MESA+STELLA}$ single-star progenitor and light-curve models with various zero-age main-sequence masses, mass-loss efficiencies, and convective efficiencies. Using the observed progenitor variability as an additional constraint, we select stellar models consistent with the pulsation period and explode them according to previously established scaling laws to match plateau properties. Our hydrodynamic modeling indicates that SN 2023ixf is most consistent with a moderate-energy ($E_{\rm exp}\approx7\times10^{50}$ erg) explosion of an initially high-mass red supergiant progenitor ($\gtrsim 17\ M_{\odot}$) that lost a significant amount of mass in its prior evolution, leaving a low-mass hydrogen envelope ($\lesssim 3\ M_{\odot}$) at the time of explosion, with a radius $\gtrsim 950\ R_{\odot}$ and a synthesized $^{56}$Ni mass of $0.07\ M_{\odot}$. We posit that previous mass transfer in a binary system may have stripped the envelope of SN 2023ixf's progenitor. The analysis method with pulsation period presented in this work offers a way to break degeneracies in light-curve modeling in the future, particularly with the upcoming Vera C.~Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time, when a record of progenitor variability will be more common.
The JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES) is a multi-cycle JWST program that has taken among the deepest near-/mid-infrared images to date (down to $\sim$30 ABmag) over $\sim$25 arcmin$^2$ in the GOODS-S field in two sets of observations with one year of separation. This presented the first opportunity to systematically search for transients, mostly supernovae (SNe), out to $z$$>$2. We found 79 SNe: 38 at $z$$<$2, 23 at 2$<$$z$$<$3, 8 at 3$<$$z$$<$4, 7 at 4$<$$z$$<$5, and 3 with undetermined redshifts, where the redshifts are predominantly based on spectroscopic or highly reliable JADES photometric redshifts of the host galaxies. At this depth, the detection rate is $\sim$1-2 per arcmin$^2$ per year, demonstrating the power of JWST as a supernova discovery machine. We also conducted multi-band follow-up NIRCam observations of a subset of the SNe to better constrain their light curves and classify their types. Here, we present the survey, sample, search parameters, spectral energy distributions (SEDs), light curves, and classifications. Even at $z$$\geq$2, the NIRCam data quality is high enough to allow SN classification via multi-epoch light-curve fitting with confidence. The multi-epoch SN sample includes a Type Ia SN at $z_{\mathrm{spec}}$$=$2.90, Type IIP SN at $z_{\mathrm{spec}}$$=$3.61, and a Type Ic-BL SN at $z_{\mathrm{spec}}$$=$2.845. We also found that two $z$$\sim$16 galaxy candidates from the first imaging epoch were actually transients that faded in the second epoch, illustrating the possibility that moderate/high-redshift SNe could mimic high-redshift dropout galaxies.
We present high-cadence photometric and spectroscopic observations of supernova (SN) 2024ggi, a Type II SN with flash spectroscopy features which exploded in the nearby galaxy NGC 3621 at $\sim$7 Mpc. The light-curve evolution over the first 30 hours can be fit by two power law indices with a break after 22 hours, rising from $M_V \approx -12.95$ mag at +0.66 days to $M_V \approx -17.91$ mag after 7 days. In addition, the densely sampled color curve shows a strong blueward evolution over the first few days and then behaves as a normal SN II with a redward evolution as the ejecta cool. Such deviations could be due to interaction with circumstellar material (CSM). Early high- and low-resolution spectra clearly show high-ionization flash features from the first spectrum to +3.42 days after the explosion. From the high-resolution spectra, we calculate the CSM velocity to be 37 $\pm~4~\mathrm{km\,s^{-1}} $. We also see the line strength evolve rapidly from 1.22 to 1.49 days in the earliest high-resolution spectra. Comparison of the low-resolution spectra with CMFGEN models suggests that the pre-explosion mass-loss rate of SN 2024ggi falls in a range of $10^{-3}$ to $10^{-2}$ M$_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$, which is similar to that derived for SN 2023ixf. However, the rapid temporal evolution of the narrow lines in the spectra of SN 2024ggi ($R_\mathrm{CSM} \sim 2.7 \times 10^{14} \mathrm{cm}$) could indicate a smaller spatial extent of the CSM than in SN 2023ixf ($R_\mathrm{CSM} \sim 5.4 \times 10^{14} \mathrm{cm}$) which in turn implies lower total CSM mass for SN 2024ggi.
We present detailed radio observations of the tidal disruption event (TDE) ASASSN-19bt/AT2019ahk, obtained with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), and the MeerKAT radio telescopes, spanning 40 to 1464 days after the onset of the optical flare. We find that ASASSN-19bt displays unusual radio evolution compared to other TDEs, as the peak brightness of its radio emission increases rapidly until 457 days post-optical discovery and then plateaus. Using a generalized approach to standard equipartition techniques, we estimate the energy and corresponding physical parameters for two possible emission geometries: a non-relativistic spherical outflow and a relativistic outflow observed from an arbitrary viewing angle. We find that the non-relativistic solution implies a continuous energy rise in the outflow from $E\sim10^{46}$ erg to $E\sim10^{49}$ erg with $\beta \approx 0.05$, while the off-axis relativistic jet solution instead suggests $E\approx10^{52}$ erg with $\Gamma\sim10$ erg at late times in the maximally off-axis case. We find that neither model provides a holistic explanation for the origin and evolution of the radio emission, emphasizing the need for more complex models. ASASSN-19bt joins the population of TDEs that display unusual radio emission at late times. Conducting long-term radio observations of these TDEs, especially during the later phases, will be crucial for understanding how these types of radio emission in TDEs are produced.
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